So I read an article about growing lettuce indoors. This is my first attempt, it is 3 days old. I am using last week's lettuce container.
I also went down to the basement and brought up my fishtank. I put a couple of inches of organic potting soil that I already had and some lettuce seeds I had from last year. My bulb is still good and I'll be setting it up in a sunny window tomorrow ( I do plan to run the tank light about an hour a day to supplement the winter sun).
Does anyone grow stuff indoors to eat? What do you grow and how to do you grow it?
I can only eat small quantities of regular lettuce. Too much and I'll break out in a rash and puke. It's the pesticides and such, which is why I only buy organic at the store. I am interested to see long it takes to grow an 11 ounces of lettuce indoors, the size of the tub I buy each week.
I also sent a "pretty please" email to Dole asking for coupons. If anyone sees Dole lettuce coupons out there let me know please!
I will be watching this. It would be great if I could do something similar. I grew some lettuce and spinach in the little garden we tried this past year and it was great but it ran out very quickly. This would give me more growing area.