So here is how it broke down....
Saturday - zero
Sunday - bought a pizza for my boy 10.95
Monday - returned a bunch of stuff to walmart and bought groceries, some bath stuff, cat food, a small globe for Natalie, a coffee press for me (NYC trip woot woot) and ate out Chinese. But it all equaled out so I'm not going to mess with my numbers. Also $43 for ballet.
Tuesday - 47 cents for a coffee cup and sinus pills from the vending machine.
Wednesday- play date chick fil a 16.18 - yikes. Chickfila is good but that was really expensive. I also spent 3.11 at the bread store.
Thursday - tacos with work friend 6.50 plus 22 cents for a coffee cup (forgot my mug again!)
Friday - safety pins, chips, dirt, seeds - find receipt, about $12.
Just think how low my numbers could be if we could stop the eating out. I'd have enough for the car I've been wanting (want to see it? blogs are better with pictures!)

So ask me if I'm getting it. That's a big fat no. Unless you can see a way to squeeze $4800 out of my budget without reducing my 401K contribution. sigh

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