Eating out
My dear boy paid for 2 meals for us this week. I've been sick and puny and he fed me. I think I'll keep him.
Chick-fil-a - $6.40 for a combo tonight before a birthday party.
McDonalds - $2.19
tacos with the little one - 10.13
- what I didn't spend - my weekly taco money. I missed work on taco thursday.
mad money - work snacks, 3.05 (this kills me, just 3.05 but it was soda and chips)
Real food (as we call it around here)
Walmart* - 34.00
Target (just half and half) - 1.77
breadstore - $14.20
Clothes - wowsa. To my defense, I did finish up Natalie clothes for winter 2011. But I think I said the same thing last month haha
white tights for ballet, a set of new not needed but super cute PJs, a sweater for next winter and a 10 pack of socks - 22.68
Belks - 49.77 (pictures below - I love little kid clothes pictures)
Gymboree - 5.48
cats - 11.11
HBA #1 - 3.28
Birthday - $4.47 (pink dress up shawl) 75% off booyah!
Etsy store - $35.67 (all that ribbon and 250 business cards to attach the bows to)
Ballet - $86.00 for Jan & Feb (I overalloted $18 a year for ballet and we aren't going in may so I'll have $61 to roll into her new advanced class uniforms in the fall)
HBA #2 - 30.62 (um ya, $15 a month isn't going to cut it here. I forgot about things like dishwashing detergent and TP)
I'm over on groceries this week because I stockpiled cheese and brown rice. Brown rice is cheaper per pound in the 1 pound bags at Walmart. Unfortunately, everyone knows that. So when I saw it in stock, I got three of them. Most stores, brown rice is twice the cost of white. At Walmart, is is just 7 cents more a pound. My other stockpile item was Kraft cheese for $1.50 a block. I can't recall it ever going lower than that and the blocks I bought had 20% more for free. So that's really like getting a regular block for $1.25. Last week I made the mistake of buying walmart brand shredded cheese and it was super gross. Dried out and every piece was coated in white powder that stuck to your tongue. Never again. So that is why I jumped on the Kraft stuff :)
I went shopping, twice. Both times I was in a bored, lets roam around and see what's going on type of mood lol That is never good for trying to stay on budget. lol
Groceries bought:
27 fiber one bars
2 packs of whole wheat no HFCS bread rounds
2 loaves of raisin bread
a generic diet coke
pickles (stores are so sneaky - the days of $1 pickles are gone I think. When I compared per ounce, the huge jar was so much cheaper. That is how I blew $3 on $1 pickles lol)
3 pds brown rice
1 pd carrots
1.14 pd bananas
coffee creamer
taco seasoning
5.10 pounds of cheese
a big thing of half and half
And on to the little kid's clothes. I let her pick them out, she was so happy :)
It's hard to see, there are silver stars on the purple dress on the left. At least i think it's a dress, she'll wear it with pants either way lol
I love this dress. Ralph Lauren corduroy, 75% off. Gives me a little high just to touch it lol It is fully lined with crimline inbetween the layers. The skirt and sleeves are sewn in a bubble style with the lining totally enclosed. And look at all the detail on top. I love love love it.
She's all about the purple. I'm good with that, fewer pairs of shoes needed! I am particularly fond on the flapdoodles outfit on the right. Her future cousin got the same outfit so we are going to do pictures. It will be really cute.
Whew I think that is it. Bye!
Cute outfits for Natalie!
ReplyDeleteAnd good thinking to stock up when the low cost brown rice is in stock. That's way better than paying full price!
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Cool, I'll check it out now :)